Dear Friends Of Improbable People Ministries and A Tour Of Roses,
You can see by their casual attire the Team did not attend the Young Missionaries Haifa Cotillion last night. Instead, they spent their final evening in Northern Israel holed up in a bomb shelter. While it was certainly no Studio 54 (for those of you under 100, Google it!) our heroes made the best of an uncomfortable situation. And it certainly made for the best ATOR team photo EVER!
We asked each Team member to share their thoughts and feeling in their final testimony. What was most special to you? What memory will you bring back home that will live on in your heart? Their candid reflections follow.
NOTE: Please don’t leave before reading the important message below in the Itinerary section.
This was my first evangelical mission trip. I have been on service missions, but I’ve not had much experience as an evangelist. The process of handing out roses makes for an easy introductory process to meeting total strangers and moving on from there. The vast majority of both Jews and Arabs were very appreciative of the rose, the understanding that God sent us to do this for the people of Israel, and our communication to them that God loves them personally. All this is wrapped up in a message of hope, which they desperately need in this time.
Being part of a team that prays for Jews and all the people of Israel, I could see how God answered our prayers to prepare the soil of their hearts and I am encouraged to continue to pray for the Jews of the world, the people of Israel, and now specifically for those that received roses. I trust that the Lord will do what only He can do to continue to the work in them to bring them fully to Himself.
The most amazing thing to me is God’s love for Israel, both to the Jewish and Arab people, and knowing that all things will be well in the end because of the blood of the Savior.
It was wonderful to see how open the people were to receiving us, and the roses carried the message of the gospel. I was surprised that some Jewish and Arab people continue to live side-by-side, co-existing in peace despite the conflict around them.
Also, I was surprised how many Arab-Israelis are praying for peace, and willing to pray with me for peace (per example, the woman in Jaffa near Elisheva’s house that prayed with me for peace and renewal in the minds
of the radical Muslims). I had many encounters with people like her. I was so blessed to come and be a blessing to Israel, and that you all helped send us with love, prayer, and financial support.
One of the things that impacted me most in this trip to Israel was the spiritual hunger in the country. From the masses gathering around us at the Western Wall in Jerusalem to the individual accepting a rose, there was an openness that
I’ve not seen before. It is so awesome to speak to people who are so eager to hear what you are saying. I was so encouraged as I was able to speak hope and love with them. It was such a blessing to my spirit. It was a beautiful time in the land. So grateful to be here.
I am so blessed to have been here in Israel at this time. It has not always been without challenges but I have learned from it all. The people here are strong yet very fragile. My greatest joy was hugging and being hugged. I cannot say too much about how deeply it moved me to share those moments. My last hug was with a woman slightly older than me who said, “You are praying for me and I am praying for you!” Sharing worship and devotions was equally meaningful.
I learned how open the people are to receive love and how many of them are open to be reminded of God. The verbal objections were few and far between and most times even the non-verbal ones were gentle. The joy
and wonder in their eyes and on their faces when they learned we came to show them God’s love was incredible.
I learned in a very small way what it’s like to hear the siren, the booms from the projectiles and walking quickly to the bomb shelter. My thoughts raced, but I was not terrified because I was already close to the shelter. Still, that is a far cry from what Israelis have dealt with all these months. I am going home with deeper love in my heart for God’s people and faces and names of ones to pray for and press in for. All praise, glory and honor to Adonai Elohim Tzavaot for all he used me to do and all He will complete.
Our team seems to have been lifted into a new, but very real spiritual dimension. Plainly, God’s word, communicated in the Now, as well as months ago, confirm God’s vision and heart for Israel. “Behold, I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19) was what started my journey. On this trip I perceived the evidence of newness on the faces of many people as they would take a red rose and a card just for them. I am especially touched by the youth. Robert shared a scripture from Zechariah with me: “The children will turn their parents’ hearts to the Lord”
I am awed as I see the rock-bottom reality: parents know their children, we know our Father. The real God affects real change in hearts that they cannot deny or ignore.
May God’s Glory be brought forth in Israel!
It was amazing, as always, to look in the eyes of those accepting roses, which was especially impactful during this time. But for me personally, I was exceptionally impacted by learning to accept, without shame, help from others due to my damaged downward peripheral vision. I have always been very independent and self- reliant, so accepting help has been both humbling and like a gentle hug.
After two weeks in Israel, 2 days in Jerusalem, 6 days in Tel Aviv/ Jappa, and 6 days in Haifa, there are many things that made an impact. Many people met and hugged and shared with us over our visit. Many places seen and experienced.
The overview, after numerous presentations by ministry leaders, led me to clearly see that God is at work in the country of Israel. There were so many signs of Him touching the hearts of young and old. Bringing crowds of people of all stations of life to a knowledge of the Messiah’s grace and mercy to bring eternal life.
We saw many military personnel hungry to a degree of being open to the gospel. Many opening their minds and hearts for the first time to Jesus. We have seen this across the board. In all places and people, on the streets, in the Shuk (market places), at the bakeries, in the malls, and so on. There are many conflicting sides in this time, and it was difficult at times to navigate those waters. Yet, God gave us the Holy Spirit to be able to walk
on those paths with grace.
There were so many times of reassurance that Arabs and Jews could work together, enjoy each other’s company, and be accepting of each one’s individuality. Such a good lesson for us all. There was much opposition to the efforts being put forward. We noticed from the beginning that we were to ask God to intercede for us in these situations large and small. God is good for all things that are according to His will.
The last thing I want to mention is the way that unity within the team was reached. At first, we had a lot of rough edges and habits that were more oriented toward our own interests than those of the group. But over time, God continued to break everyone. To humble and expose us to each other. Through many conversations and lots of prayer we were drawn closer together and enabled to act with more and more unity. These are but a few musings of what God was up to during this period of time in Israel.
So right now I’m feeling some raw emotions. I would have liked to do more. Seeing everybody here in Haifa and Tel Aviv live with the the threat of war, and how everybody is not really at peace, I wish I could give them peace immediately. I wish there was something I could say where they could immediately receive Jesus and know his peace. There’s something inside of me that wants to fix things beyond my ability. And when I can’t, I guess I feel sort of like I miss the mark. I know this trip has changed my life, probably for the rest of my life. And my heart breaks for Israel. Not like before. I’ve experienced a small portion of what they’ve experienced living here during this time.
A lot of things were revealed about myself that I didn’t quite realize. Some of those things are good some of those things are bad, but through it all I I’ve come to know the Lord in a deeper way. I can’t quite right now put my
finger on it or put it into words, but I picture Him differently now. Not like before.
As I felt God protection, we’ve been walking under the assurance that God has us, and the words that have come that God is sheltering us. The enemy tried to attack again and again, but we have felt His Peace through it all! God has come through to provide every time. We have been experiencing the reality that what God calls you to do He will equip you for, and we have been learning the humbling truth that we need to be in unity- forgiving and loving each other in order to pass out that love to the world. God has been working in our midst, as well as out in the street, making us fully reliant on him for His glory! The joy the comfort, and the hope that comes into faces when we give out the roses has been so gratifying! God truly has been bringing his beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and a lifting of the spirit of heaviness as we look in their eyes and say, “God loves you! God sees you!”.
It’s hard for me to put my words together right now, need some time to process and go over the last two weeks but here is something I can take away from this trip. Something that I feel God was showing me was how different everyone on the team was, different personalities, quirks, attitudes, fears, worries, thought processes, demeanors etc. Regardless of all these things, God called, and these people said yes, and God used us in spite of ourselves because it’s not from us. It all comes from Him…. All of it comes from him, he puts in us what we need to do what he wants us to do, we just have to say yes to Him.
I’m in a blur right now (you could have given us a few days to reflect, Michael). But the biggest take-away was the gratitude and disbelief that we would come at this time and in this environment to support Israel. Several people stated that they felt the world was against them (true) and that we were an encouragement to them. It was remarkable how open they were and receptive. I, as always, usually have trepidation about going to my Jewish people because of their rejection of my belief in Jesus. I did not feel any of that, and I am so grateful to God. He keeps showing me that taking the first step towards Him and His direction removes all fear and doubt. Baruch HaShem!
I am reminded yet again that God is faithful. What He said He would do—He did. It may not have looked like any of us thought it would, but nevertheless He did miraculous things with us during our time in Israel. I know we wanted to see signs and wonders, the way it was in Acts. But the Lord gave me a word before I left:
September 1 st : “You think it may be extraordinary but what if it isn’t—at least in the way you think? What if it’s extraordinary that you all go and do everything you planned to do without incident and everyone returns safe. That, in itself, will be extraordinary!!!”
I find it rather amusing that everything lost was found again (thank you God- -and Lynn Cory!!). That God could bring this particular set of 12 people to His table and help us love and forgive each other, and only by His grace, retain the bond of the Spirit—WOW!! That’s all I can say!!
Having been to Israel 6 other times, this was the only time I saw a softness in the hearts of the Israelis. An acknowledgement of weakness and even a desperation for peace to come. And despite everything that people said,
out of caring and concern, or out of fear, we were able to freely give out the roses and worship wherever we chose. That, too, was something miraculous!! I mean, when did you ever see a group of people in t-shirts allowed to give out hundreds of roses in an upscale indoor mall comparable to the Glendale Galleria in SoCal?
And lastly, I am again made mindful of the power of prayer. While we had to endure our weaknesses—Eric’s legs, Lura’s ankle, Khalida and Dave’s PTSD, Karen’s eyes, Ingeborg’s heart issues, and just the age and energy of most everyone on the team, God made a way. He gave us grace and helped us discern when something came up that was really the enemy, and when it was something we needed to address in a different way. I will say it again—God is faithful!! And the prayers of the saints availed much!!
This is the space where we have documented the planned routine and daily tasks for the ATOR so you would know how to pray. Now we are in uncharted waters. You will notice the usual outline of dates and events have disappeared. That’s what happens when plans change. We have some good news and some bad news.
The good news is that Evi was able to begin her journey home to Northern CA today, while Robert and Ingeborg have an escape route mapped out through Dubai starting Friday.
The unfortunate news is that the other 9 of us have had flights cancelled by Air France or other airlines at the last minute. One assumes this is because of the explosion in Tel Aviv yesterday and the airlines aren’t taking any chances. The first opportunity for the Team to leave Israel now comes on Tuesday of next week.
Instead of sleeping in their own beds Sunday night the soonest they can hope for that luxury is Wednesday. Sally informs there is only 1 flight on Tuesday, which the Team are booked on, or the wait will be even longer That means at minimum an extra 3-4 unplanned days at least.
We need your serious prayer. The Team asks for your intervention in the midst of uncertainty. God has been faithful in everything He has promised the Team, and they are simply trusting in Him for continued provision. Decisions on unplanned lodging, food and intangibles are still in flux as the Team will make their way back to Tel Aviv.
I look at it this way: This was a difficult call for Air France. I would rather they do the responsible, if inconvenient, thing now so 300 families don’t have to regret an airline’s decision to prioritize profits over safety.
We will continue to update our faithful prayer warriors as events change and the picture comes into sharper focus. We thank you for joining A tour Of Roses on this little adventure.
Michael O’Connor
Improbable People Ministries
Praying 🙏🏼
You all have been in our thoughts & prayers. It is clear that our God wants constant prayer for you , believe that we are doing just that. We will continue to pray for you until we know you ALL are home safe & sound.
We were so blessed & excited to hear your great news. It’s clear that our Lord & Savior was at work through each of you . Praise God. We can’t wait to see you & hug you. Love, Ed& Janie
Praying with you.
I am praying fervently for God to make a way for these 9 valiant soldiers of Christ to get on flights sooner rather than later that will begin their journeys safely back to the U.S. Meanwhile, may He cover them beneath His wings and show them more marvelous and wondrous things which they have not known. (Jer.33:3) May He grant them deeper trust, greater patience, and an overflow of kindness toward one another as they wait on Him to deliver them back to their familiar beds. And I pray that the Holy Spirit will dispel all doubt with remembrances of their many divine encounters as they touched people with the love of Yeshua. May more opportunities abound, dear Lord, as these precious soldiers of Christ await their departure, with their spiritual eyes and ears constantly alert by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Be confident of this, beloved ATOR team, God who has begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ’s return. (Phil. 1:6)
AMEN!!! “GOD will make a way” as the song goes?!!! Also, mission trips I’ve taken have ALWAYS stretched (BUT grown) my faith as these testimonies confirm, as well. Praise God?!! Our family’s verse is Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to prosper and NOT harm you; plans to give you a hope AND a future” Continued prayers for the team and “Shalom-shalom”!!!
Please keep me updated as to all of your situations. Praying for Israel all the innocent people, and the team.
Praying God’s love peace and wisdom will be with you all. May God bless, guide and use you all according to his plan.
Auntie Gloria
I am blessed because the Lord did good things through your outreach. Now He has a purpose for you there while you wait for your flights. You are not done. Apartently there is more. Be of good cheer for Yeshua has overcome the world. He watches over you. I am continuing to pray for you and your flights back home
Love in Christ, Pam
Love all the stories.
Be blessed and as always praying for The Chosen one’s that they come to know Messiah YESHUA.
Shalom from Kentucky, Amy