45 years ago today the Foothill High School (Sacramento, CA) Class of 1973 graduated at dusk on the football field at American River College. Jerry Wilkinson was our valedictorian speaker summoning wisdom, as I recall, from Cat Stevens’ song, “On the Road to Find Out”.
Post-It Notes were not even a thing yet. Saturday Night Live was not even a gleam in Lorne Michaels’ visionary eye.
But did we? Did we find out? Did we ever find that road? Some of us did, I suppose. Others are still out there searching, God bless ’em.
Of course, we didn’t even have GPS back then. Peter Falk’s grandfather in the classic film The Princess Bride might have scoffed, “Sure, we had GPS when I was young. It was called MAPS!”
Post-It Notes were not even a thing yet. Saturday Night Live was not even a gleam in Lorne Michaels’ visionary eye. Personal computer? A couple decades on the horizon. A pocket-sized Texas Instruments Calculator was an amazing concept that cost several hundreds of dollars. Now they are given away like pencils. Microwave ovens and telephone answering machines were just finding wider use outside their creative labs.
So many dreams were waiting to be discovered. So many roads to find and traverse.
Just five years before on that very day when we set our sails for college, work or whatever Senator Robert Kennedy was felled by an assassins bullet, June 6, 1968. We were, as a country, as a generation, on the verge of a severe cynicism. That cowardly act may have been the tipping point even before the Kent State shootings and the resignation of Richard Nixon sent us over the edge of incivility toward authority, toward one another.
Sometimes it feels we were held together by the thinnest of premises: Four years together at the same school with the same teachers, sports teams and extracurricular activities. Sometimes it feels like all has held us together in camaraderie, those who have been able to stay in touch all these decades, are thin strands of baling wire and duct tape. Tenuous ties at best.
And there are even days I’d like to go back if only for a cherry-picked hour or two.
Sometimes you look back over the years and feel the bond of proms attended, of finals failed, and you think, “Yeah, we did this together. We made it through to the other side. We survived the horrors of pimples and bullying and crying because ‘Chris doesn’t love me anymore!’ ” We excelled on the field of play and the boardroom of ideas because . . . well, because we had to. What other choice did we have? How else were we going to find Tomorrow? How else could we emerge from the shadow of our parents to find our own distinct voices?
For all the times while walking Foothill’s haunted halls I may have wished high school prematurely over I can say with complete clarity today I am better for the experience. And there are even days I’d like to go back if only for a cherry-picked hour or two.
Foothill High School was a mere baby when we attended. Constructed in 1965 we were only the eighth class to graduate. I was a member of that graduating class of 1973. Congratulations to those of us who have survived the rapids to get to this point in the river of life. Fond remembrances to those who who were unable to complete the journey with us. Cheers until we meet again . . .
Loved this…. so well written.
Thank you Chris. Don’t credit me. I just took words from Mr. Webster’s dictionary and strung a few of them together.
Thanks for writing it Mike , well done. I never wish to go back to that time, but you captured the ups and downs of our social world beautifully. It was tumultuous, fun, boring, and exciting all at the same time. I do not believe it was the “best time of my life” or look back on it through rose colored glasses, but do have very fond memories and life long friendships from that part of our history and I am very happy for that!
Sidebar: we had an Algebra class together. Do you remember Mr. Houglan, getting angry with some kid, and picking him up by the shirt collar, desk and all? I think his last name was Collins.
Thanks for your kind words Lorrie. I remember you well. At least better, I think, than some recollections of yours. I never took Algebra and never had Mr. Hoaglund. I would definitely remember as I understand he was as hard in his classroom as he was on his basketball players.
I never took any advanced math above the basic general math which I performed quite poorly in. Fortunately, in those days, nothing above general math was required for graduation–just for four year colleges. Since I knew I was headed for American River JC I took full advantage of the loophole.
While we were not in Algebra together it seems to me we may have had a few English classes together. And our names being in such close proximity alphabet-wise (O’Connor/Nagle) we likely also shared homeroom for 4 years with Miss Christofferson. Does that ring a bell?
Hi! That was nicely written. I haven’t thought much about high school since graduation. I had no idea it was 45 years ago. I did have Hoaglund for algebra II. It was the only class I ever dropped. Anyway, thanks for the trip down memory lane. It was kind of nice. Take care.
Poor Mr. Hoaglund–not getting any blog love here. Nice to hear from you Peggy.
You always had a way with words Michael! But I have always remembered you as a guy with a great sense of humor all these years later!?
Hi, Michael, these comments are two years late! But I so enjoyed your “Last Newsletter” and all the clever humor and heart you put into it…I got caught up with Dusty, too.
Thank you that my name is automatically enrolled for the new Family Blog, sure look forward to everyone’s Musings!
P.S., Joe and I are class of ’75 and in early Feb attended his Scottsdale 45th (actually an all-year reunion so his younger sister also there)…In high school Cat Stevens was my #1 favorite…
As always, may God Bless all yours and Sally’s endeavors!! Francesca and Joe
Very good to hear from you Francesca. Been praying for Joe lately with his surgeries. If you get this response could you please find an email to use on our web site and send me Joe’s phone number. Would love to check in an encourage him.