Here we are a little more than 40% into 2020. I don’t know about you, but with this virus-enforced solitude we’ve all been enduring I feel like I’m stagnating . . . juuuuust a little bit. Oh sure, I’m making my checklists and marking them off. Reconciling online banking, paying the bills and even getting Christmas Cards finished before the July rush. But socially it feels like it’s been like five years since I’ve seen anyone out in the wilds of Los Angeles.
Anyone, that is, except for the same two women I see over and over and over again these days. Mind you, I’m not complaining. In my college days living with two females would have been the Mount Everest of my aspirations in life.
But in our lingering days together the three of us have drifted into a comfortable yet deranged loop of the film Groundhog Day. And when you think about it, as Groundhog Day (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!) is about one man reliving the same day over and over and over again with only a modicum of variance, a continuous running of the movie on an endless loop is simply redundancy layered upon redundancy.