It’s a very different holiday season this year than last.
Last year I lit the candles for Hannukah and recited the blessings with our daughters echoing the words back. Michael made latkes for us all and we sang our slightly mangled versions of the Dreidle song and other Hannukah favorites. We ate chocolate coins—not the wrappers—and watched the candles burn down low. It was good.
Last year and all the years before, Dusty, Bonnie, and Shannon chased each other all over the Christmas tree lot at Valley College while I tried to find some kind of deal on some little scrawny pine branch for $40. Breathless and laughing they finally returned to Michael and me. And we managed the “branch” into the back of the car and drove it home.
Last year and all years before, Dusty, Bonnie & Shannon chased all over the Christmas tree lot
I put the kettle on for hot chocolate and whipped cream—and ok—even marshmallows for those who have a special place in their hearts for that particularly peculiar food item.