Here’s what leaders are saying about Sally Klein O’Connor:
Pastor Bill Dwyer
Valley Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Reseda, CA
I want to wholeheartedly endorse the ministry and music of my good friend Sally Klein O’Connor. Aside from being a gifted musician/songwriter and minister, she has been faithful in the little things. She’s worked as hard on being a Christian and a wife as she has on her music. Her enthusiasm, intensity, humor and direct manner remind me of an old friend, Keith Green. Her music and ministry time will touch hearts with a Biblical message backed by the power of the Spirit.
Pastor Bill Dwyer
Valley Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Reseda, CA
Moishe Rosen
Founder, Jews For Jesus
Sally O’Connor is a Jewish girl who has a story about discovering faith, discovering Y’shua, discovering what it means to walk with the Lord. She and her husband Michael are skilled songwriters and Sally’s presentation and testimony are poignant and joyous. In the past few years, those who have had dealings with Improbable People Ministries have been impressed with their utter integrity and their willingness to serve.
The late Moishe Rosen
Jews for Jesus
Thelma Wells
Author, Speaker, Women of Faith
When I met her, I saw her pain. When I hugged her, I felt her pain. When I read about her, I rejoiced in her gain. Sally has gained the transforming, joy-giving, peace-speaking victory found in Jesus Christ. She reveals that scars of any kind —physical or emotional — can receive spiritual surgery, which restores the heart and uplifts the soul.
Thelma Wells
A Woman of God Ministries
Pastor Lynn Cory
Valley Vineyard Christian Fellowship Reseda, CA
Sally is a Jewish believer with outstanding godly character. She, like very few people I know, has put everything on the line to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. She has been a vital member of the Valley Vineyard for over 20 years and without question is in good standing.Sally is often called on to lead worship or sing in our services. She faithfully follows through with whatever she puts her hands to, no matter what the cost. I am always challenged by her commitment to take risks when God leads her.She and her family live on very little, and yet, she steps out to do, from a human standpoint, the financially impossible. God has taken her to minister in churches all over the U.S. and countries outside of the U.S. God always provides and I stand amazed. I have been in many settings where she has ministered, and the response has always been overwhelmingly positive. As far as family, Sally considers her girls a priority and gives the needed attention to each of them. They each love Jesus. Her husband Mike is in great support of her ministry and is intimately involved in the work of Improbable People Ministries. They are a wonderful team.I highly recommend Sally to you and trust that you will be as blessed as I am with her ministry.
Lynn Cory
Associate Pastor
Valley Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Reseda, CA
Pastor Dave Henry
Calvary Chapel, Barstow, CA
Looking for a guest to lead worship? Someone that is a wonderfully gifted singer, songwriter & pianist for a concert?I sincerely recommend Sally Klein O’Connor. There are few musicians that I believe, at least to my ear, are a “cut above” the rest. Sally is one of the few. She leads worship from her heart, moving the congregation into the throne room of the Father. An especially moving aspect of her ministry is the “Tour of Roses” presentation of her visits to Germany to express love to the German people. Sally is Jewish and the Lord put it on her heart to reach out in a special way to the German people… AWESOME! Michael O’Connor is a gifted writer, humorist & speaker. I recommend him for a speaking engagement, especially for a men’s group. We love Improbable People dearly.
Pastor Dave Henry
Calvary Chapel
Barstow, CA
Pastor Nathan Puro
Shoresh David Messianic Cong., Monroeville, PA
I would describe Sally as a no-nonsense, Spirit-filled minister. She means business; not much small talk. Her purpose is to minister healing through her personal testimony and songs. This she does effectively by wielding her life’s story around the Word of God and providing points of entrance for all who are hurting. Sally reminds us that the journey is not to be despised because this is where we find Him in so many tailor made ways.If you are serious about bringing a doorway of hope to those who have abandoned hope in your midst, I recommend Sally.
Messianic Pastor Nathan Puro
Shoresh David Messianic Congregation
Monroeville, PA
Rabbi Chaim Urbach
Congregation Yeshuat Tsion, Denver, CO
Sally Klein O’Connor is a friend and a sister in the Lord—a fellow Messianic Jewish follower of Messiah Yeshua.She has a passionate commitment to serve the Lord and has been used profoundly by God to minister healing to broken people, both in the US and abroad. The songs she has written are anointed by the Spirit and well from deep inside her own suffering. They reflect the work of redemption that the Lord has done in her own life, her marriage, and her family life (3 kids).Sally has ministered at our congregation, Yeshuat Tsion, on numerous occasions since 1993. I heartily recommend her as someone who will come and bring a spiritual breath of fresh air in your congregation. If you have any questions you’re welcome to contact me.
Yours in our Messiah,
Rabbi Chaim Urbach
Congregation Yeshuat Tsion
Denver, CO
Pastor Jonathan Larson
Indian Lake Baptist Church, Worthington, MN
I am very happy to recommend the ministry of Michael and Sally O’Connor. Michael is a gifted and thoughtful writer and excellent wordsmith. He and Sally have created musical lyrics that tell stories of life and faith in a winsome and interesting manner. For baseball enthusiasts in particular, his book “Sermon on the Mound” is a sports story with a unique spiritual dimension.Over the course of twenty years, Sally has ministered many times in song and stories in the church I’ve pastored. There is power and truth and honesty in her music, but equally important is the way she shares her spiritual journey. Through each new chapter of her life of faith she has sought to learn and pass on the lessons God has been teaching her. She has continued to grow, and her leading of musical ministry tours to sites of the Holocaust in Europe is a recent example of the Lord’s direction and enabling.
Pastor Jonathan Larson
Indian Lake Baptist Church
Worthington, MN
Rabbi Vladimir Pikman
Beit Sar Shalom, Germany
Improbable People is a unique ministry. It combines evangelism and reconciliation to reach out to the broken souls. The combination of the beautiful music and heart-touching worship songs, incredible testimonies and words of God’s love leave nobody indifferent. And the Spirit of God does the rest! We have experienced this blessed ministry in Germany and I am sure that Improbable People Ministries can be a huge blessing wherever they go.
Messianic Rabbi Vladimir Pikman
Executive Director
Beit Sar Shalom
Rev. Phillip Torre
First Assembly of God, Meadville, PA
Sally ministered at our church for our morning worship service. In my opinion Sally has a beautiful, clear, lovely voice. When she sings she is very passionate and powerful. She is very skillful on the piano.Her songs come from her heart and wonderfully relate to the listeners. She has a delightful sense of humor I appreciated.When Sally spoke between the songs it was a very precious time. Sally has a passion for God that is evident. While Sally shared from her heart and her life experience, the people in our church were touched and encouraged, edified and blessed.I would highly recommend the ministry of Sally Klein O’Connor.
Rev. Philip Torre
First Assembly of God
Meadville, PA
Pastor Paul Evan
Valley Community Baptist Church, Avon, CT
Often I find that singers have very little to say and when they talk between their music it usually distracts from their message. That was not the case. Your conversation was so powerful. It could be because of your transparency but I also believe it was because of the depth of your experience with our Lord. I am confident that several of our people have been encouraged in their Christian walk and that others will use your ministry to spur them on to new levels of witness.
The late Pastor Paul Evan
Valley Community Baptist Church
Avon, CT
Paul Perrault
WGNV Station Manager, Milladore, WI
In a world of sound bites and simple choruses, Sally’s music is challenging. But then again, Christianity is not a sound bite religion and the Bible is not a book that is explained in simple choruses. Our faith is richer and deeper. Sally sings of that faith.Sally and her husband Michael write songs that talk of the Church’s struggles in the modern world and all it’s distractions and attractions. Their songs call us back to Christ, seeking to be more identified with Him.
Paul Perrault
Milladore, WI
Patsy Clairmont
Author, Speaker, Women of Faith
Sally touches a chord in all our lives when she recoils from the reflection in her mirror. Accepting ourselves is never an easy journey, but I believe you will be heartened by Sally’s story. I know I am.
Patsy Clairmont
Author, Women of Faith Speaker
Nancy Stafford
Actress, Author, Speaker
As she shares her story, Sally Klein O’Connor leads us through our own journey of transformation and reminds us that no matter what has happened in our lives, or how deeply etched our scars, there is One whose love heals our hearts, calls us by a new name, and bestows on us a new identity—Beauty Himself.
Nancy Stafford