NOTE: We’ve just created a new music video based on the classic song by Sally Who Shall Separate US? , located at the bottom of this post. It pertains to the theme of this post. We hope it will bless you and that you will pass the link on to loved ones.
To My Friends and Fellow Believers,
I wonder if the anger and violence that is going on at this time in our country quite possibly may be more fatal than the virus. It is a soul-tearing issue. It is a deep abyss of separation by color, race, gender, politics and religion. And while injustice and evil should never be ignored, I cannot
We are called to be in this world—not of it.
see the constructive value of people burning and looting and rioting. From my point of view it only makes the divide deeper and stirs up even deeper fear which serves to separate us more surely.
Among those who say we are followers of Jesus the Messiah, the temptation to follow the surge in emotion and sense of self-righteousness is difficult to resist. But we are called to be in this world—not of it. By that I mean we are citizens of another Kingdom. And it is that view which needs to govern our passions and fuel our words and actions.
We are, in fact, admonished by Paul that even when people do evil to us:
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay”, says the Lord. On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
(Romans 12:17-21)
It is here, in this darkness that we need most to remember who God is—He is good, Almighty, just
And He has called us to live a life of love that unites us as one
and merciful. He is Love. And we need to remember that we belong to Him first, then to our culture and nationality, and to each other. And He has called us to live a life of love that unites us as one as He is One. And that love and unity bears witness to the reality of God and sets an example for the world—which is in so much pain right now through hatred and division.
So, my friends, I know I need the Lord to strengthen me in His Spirit so that I might respond to Him more than the circumstances around me—that I might hear His voice above all the others, and choose His Love over Fear, Hatred, and Violence.
Lord God, have mercy on us in this time—in our country and in our cities. There have been grave injustices throughout our history. Help us humble our hearts and acknowledge our sins before you and each other. We need You, Lord, to “set love in order” in our hearts and in our society. Change us from the inside out, and let it begin with those of us who have chosen to follow You. Help us love one another as you have loved us.
In ourselves we have no power to live this out on a consistent basis but in You, Lord, all things are possible.
Because of Your love,
Who Shall Separate Us?
Sally Klein O’Connor
Please click on the picture above to play Sally’s new music video
and feel free to share with loved ones.
Dusty Tsalkova says
This is a good word, Mom. Needed.
caren linden says
Thank you Sally! We love & we pray. We know our enemy is not people but the evil powers & principalities that want to see everything that is good taken down. Thank you for articulating some of the heartbreak &empathy that Jesus feels for the sufferings of the people.
Michael O'Connor says
And we you Marty. Love to Don!