The 2020 Paradise ATOR Team
The bad news: Sorry to say there are no individual reports to share in this update. The team was up at 5AM Saturday morning and out the door at 6AM. They got to the church and began cooking, slicing, dicing, setting up tables, preparing danish and coffee, setting up sound equipment and generally preparing for an all day women’s conference. After the conference a quick dinner and then a long team debriefing session with each member sharing experiences from this trip and what it has meant to them. To bed for short rest and back to the First Baptist Church in the morning where they will share music and testimonies with Sam Walker’s congregation. Then they disburse and hit the road for the long trip home. So who has time to write and send reports to publish in this space?
The good news: We have pictures. Lot’s and lots of pictures from today’s conference. So feast your eyes and remember that each one of these photos is worth a thousand words.
Calm before the storm
Rita, Raul & Randy
Birthday Boy Dave
Conference attendees . . .
. . . begin arriving
Jurgen & Dave
Looks like salad but Jurgen is clearly serving up large portions of ham
The Chefs: Rita & Paul
Groucho, Harpo, Chico & Zeppo
The conference comes to a close
ATOR Itinerary
2/9 – Sunday
7AM – Devotions – Worship – Joan/Devotions – Mallory
8AM – Breakfast
9AM – Pack
10AM – First Baptist Church
11AM – Sally Klein O’Connor & Friends presentation @ First Baptist Church in Paradise
1PM – Lunch
3PM – Drive home to Southern CA
2/10 – Monday
Joan departs Sacramento Airport @ 12:45PM on Delta Airlines Flight# 3654 and arrives in LAX @ 2:20PM. Departs LAX @ 3:50 on Delta Flight #1005 and arrives @ St. Paul, MN @ 8:49PM. Departs St. Paul @10:41PM on Flight #2650 and arrives in Winnipeg @ 12:15AM, Tuesday 2/11. Mallory departs LAX on Delta @ 1:50PM and arrives back in Phoenix @ 4:22PM. Jurgen is leaving on Monday (not Tuesday) @ 7:35PM from Sacramento to LAX nd then onto MN and from there to International Falls and Fort Frances.
I have been so very blessed as I have followed you all this week. How grateful I am for each of your precious hearts, as I ask God to fill and strengthen each individual as you share the love of CHRIST to the broken and lost people of Paradise. My Sunday school lesson this morning for our 1st-3rd graders is Matthew 5:13-14. Interesting that my 1st morning devotional read today also started with that verse and then I opened today’s reading of your post. Wow, how apropos that each of you also are representative of those verses; you all have been the “salt and light” that Paradise needed. Thank you for your faithful obedience of bringing HOPE and the evidence of Grace to so many that had been lost and left that in the ashes of Paradise. I will continue to pray for the RESTORATION of hearts, hope and homes of the afflicted. I will continue to lift the team up as I am sure that this trip will remain in each of you for many years to come, that is the gift God gives when we give to Him in service to others. Be Blessed as you have Blessed others.
Loved reading your insights dear Gloria. Thank you most sincerely for what you shared. Aren’t we blessed to know our beloved Sally and Michael and their eve-growing ATOR circle of friends.
Hope to meet you in person too!
Love in our Lord Jesus,
Janice x
You were right Michael. Each picture is worth a thousand words and beyond. Every emotion expressed but by far the biggest and loudest emotion is LOVE seen in all the faces of the team, in the decorations, and the body language. I can tell without reading your comments how much this conference meant to you – giving it and participating in it! How beautiful! God brought each and every one whom He wanted to come and He ministered to them all thru all of you. Looking forward to the final testimonies and reports! What a fabulous trip you went on and what love and hope you deposited! Praying for your final day of ministry and travels home.
Agree 100% Lura with all your lovely and loving comments, Janice x
I was blessed in many ways at the conference. It was good to actually be with the team instead of just seeing names on a prayer list.
The topics were applicable to all, not just the people of Paradise. I felt peace but with a renewed sense of purpose that I had not felt in many years.
The positive vibes were in every one with whom I interacted. God’s Holy Spirit and love were evident from the moment I walked in the door until I left the parking lot.
Sally, thank you for following through with your vision. You all made an impact in the lives of all who attended.
Blessings to all. Safe travels.