For 5 of out team the day started out EARLY. Sally O., Dave, Yara, Rachel and Lura met up at LAX around 6:15 AM. I guess if you can’t eat breakfast at Denny’s the airport is the next best thing.
The South-Western team met up at International Falls MN where they met Sally Huggins. Jurgen and Joan, both resident of Canada, secreted the team across the border. OK, they used passports, but secreted sounds so much more cool, doesn’t it?
Flowers were not to be ready for pickup until Monday morning at 9 AM. So the team had plenty of time to kick back and relax, right? You are WRONG, rosebud breath! In honor of the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur the team planned a closed to the public service for the team. But somehow 15 locals heard of the service and crashed the party. (We like when people crash God’s parties!)
Gabriel was not available on short notice, so Sally O. agreed to fill in.
Give the woman a mich and 90 minutes . . . .
Traditional apples and honey feast
The team picked up the first 1,500 roses of 3,000 total they will clean, pray over and distribute over their time in Fort Frances.
Sally did a Facebook Live session over the team’s first Rose cleaning sessions–or, as ATOR alum Heather Walker has dubbed these . . . .”Rosings.” Because this is on a platform we don’t control I don’t know if all or ANY of you will be able to watch this first “Rosing” of the new ATOR season. If you can–great. Tell your friends and neighbors. If you can’t–sorry about that. Please address you complaints to Mark Zuckerberg. (Click on the picture below)
Sally O. on Facebook Live!
There was another concert this evening. Here are some team testimonials from Day 2.

We went to Seven Oaks a beautiful public access point on the reservation. Sally was worshiping with keyboard and Lura was worship-dancing in her native shawl. The rest of us went for a prayer-walk across the land. As I was walking by myself for awhile I saw Dave close to me walking and praying. I felt in my heart to ask if I could join him. I was in tears asking to join with him in prayer.
So we walked and prayed together and the Lord gave David a scripture in Ezekiel about the dry bones. I found that scripture for him on my phone and David read it out loud and prayed. The Spirit of the Lord was very close to our hearts. We felt God is stirring up the dead bones in this land and pouring out His spirit. I felt that the Lord wants to strengthen the First Nation people who are believers and are not currently walking close to Him. He wants to gather them first to Himself and strengthen them–and through them He will reach out to their brothers and sisters.

I sat by Bo–his wife died a year ago. It’s been hard for him. He said he had walked on the places Sally talked about in Germany during the concert. And he said, “It’s really bad.” He was married to his wife 62 years. He goes to the senior center to eat because his wife did the cooking.

We also prayed for a friend of mine, Marlys, who came to the concert tonight with her husband. She has such courage and joy in the midst of her struggles. She so humbly received prayer from us.

My best time today was the moment me and Jurgen had and our time of prayer. The scripture about the Valley of the Dry Bones was spoken over the land. I believe that is what is happening. While praying I felt a strong burden for the people. I kept getting a picture over and over of suicide. And then God reminded me strongly that the power of life and death is in the tongue and to speak life. And also it was quickened to me that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

While we were praying at the 7 Oaks I saw Lura worship dancing with her native shawl I heard God say really loudly He wants to redeem the native dancing. He wants them to dance for His honor.

Really enjoying being with this team–praying and worshiping together. And when we were at 7 Oaks praying and worshiping I felt led to go down to the water-line and just release God’s cleansing into the water. Jurgen prayed for me this morning about family issues and I felt very touched and encouraged by the Lord.
Sally O.
After the concert as the team was preparing for sleep, with many already in Dreamland, God provided the perfect coda to a beautiful day in Fort Frances, Ontario. See you all tomorrow!

So encouraged by this 2-day report processed so quickly from a sick bed by our beloved and witty brother Michael. Bless you and thank you.
It has also been such a joy to see the Facebook posts which wonderfully capture the fun-loving and unified spirit of the team. Love it.
My heart knows no sense of heaviness i pray for the team just tremendous joy and a deep assurance that “Aslan is on the move” and will release joy and restoration to those of the First nation who have been and are still oppressed and dispossessed.
Can’t wait to get the daily updates and especially to hear and enjoy the friendly banter that our beloved Sally generates and is capturing on her Facebook post.
Love to one and all!
Janice xx
Praying for you guys. So glad that you have gone to a people and a place where God’s love is so desperately needed. You have captured our hearts and taken them with you!
Blessings over all the Lord has done this first day and may it be multiplied in supernatural abundance as Team ATOR goes forward. I pray in agreement with all the goodness the Lord is pouring out individually and collective unity of the team. Lord, soften the hearts of all who encounter Your saints and Lord, release a deeper portion of Your redemptive Merciful Love ❤ over this land and Your precious First Nations people. IJN Amen
Rejoicing with you and the Holy Spirit as you make the Lord’s reputation known throughout the nations and bring the fragrance of Christ into troubled souls.
We are praying and lifting you up as your journey continues.
Pastor Kevin David and the Hilltop Covenant Church family
Wow! This is so neat! I feel drawn into the group through your personal comments and the video on Face Book, almost like I was a part of the team! A resounding ‘YES’ to the word about redeeming the native dancing! May Father strengthen my sister, Lura, giving her power and joy in her dancing, that others will want to join with her. Praying for all on the team that you will have ‘beautiful feet’ as you bring the message of salvation and peace to these hurting people. Love-in-Yeshua, Nancy from Gilbert, AZ