It’s truly hard to believe it’s been 60 years to the day since our youngest elected President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was taken from us in so abrupt and shocking a manner on November 22, 1963.
Those of us who are, shall we say, “of a certain age” can remember where we were and what we were doing when the announcement breached our homes and television sets, revealing the 35th President of the United State had been felled in Dallas by an assassin’s bullet.
“Democrats AND Republicans had lost their leader that day.”
At the time there was so much confusion and so many unanswered questions. How could such a thing happen? Have they caught the perpetrator? Was anyone else hurt in the gunfire? Did Mrs. Kennedy even know her husband was dead, her children left fatherless? Many of those questions, which left us momentarily in the dark, were answered soon enough by intrepid reporters of the news. But many, many questions remain to this day.